New Rule
My game show is superior to human ones because in each round of this game, I will create a new rule. That's right, each round will have a completely different rule than the one before it.
Round 1: The rule in round one will test your early social game. There are 14 of you here on the floor on go. You need to find a team of three players and then claim one side of the giant game board. The two players who are left out will be eliminated from this competition.
Round 2: New rule the players on each team must take one shot on the game board with their disc. Once all three have shot, the three scores will be added together, giving your team a total score. The team with the highest score at the end of the round will get to choose any other team to eliminate from the competition. But be careful, if your disk falls off the game board for any reason, it will count as a 0.
Round 3: New Rule. In this round, you'll be competing against your own teammates. Each player on the team will get one shot on my new game board. The player on each team with the highest score will advance to the final round, while the other two players on each team will be eliminated.
Round 4: New rule In this final round, you will each take one shot to become head of household. The player with the highest score wins, but your score must be an odd number. All even numbers will count as a 0.
The last player standing at the end will become the first HOH of the summer. The HOH is safe for the week and gets to live in the private head of household bedroom but you will also have the responsibility of nominating 3 houseguests for eviction.
Challenge Details
Order as shown in episode.
Round 1: Team Split
Team 1: Matt, Quinn, Kenney
Team 2:T'kor, Angela, Joseph
Team 3: Leah, Cam, Lisa
Team 4: Brooklyn, Kimo, Rubina
Tucker and Makensy do not join a team and are out of the challange.
Round 2: First throw round
Team 1: 28 Matt -14 Quinn - 0 Kenney - 14
Team 2: 14 T"kor - 7 Angela - 7 Joseph - 0
Team 3: 7 Leah - 7 Cam - 0 Lisa - 0
Team 4: 24 Winners Kimo -0 Rubina - 13 Brooklyn - 11
Matt, Kenney, and Quinn decide to elimainte Kimo, Rubina, and Brooklyn from the competiton
Round 3: Second throw round
Team 1: Kenney Wins Matt - 17 Quinn - 0 Kenney - 22
Team 2: Leah Wins Cam - 0 Leah - 24 Lisa - 0
Team 3: Angela Wins T"kor - 23 Joseph - 12 Angela - 27
Kenney, Leah, and Angela move on to the Final round.
Round 4: Last Throw
Leah: 0 (Landed 26)
Angela: 23
Kenney: 0
Angela Wins HoH